Coping with dementia as a carer

Grandmother sitting on a couch in a sunny room, looking at a photo album and sharing fond memories with a tender caregiver

Navigating a loved one’s dementia diagnosis and their new life stage can be difficult without the right tools, and coping with dementia as a carer can be even more challenging.

At Dementia Detailing, we work to equip those caring for people living with dementia with knowledge, confidence and clarity, so they can continue caring with empathy and connectedness.

Here, we outline a number of strategies that can not only improve the lives of those living with dementia but also their carers.

Happy young woman caring elderly woman in the garden

Finding the right pathway

Navigating dementia care pathways for a loved one can be incredibly overwhelming, confusing and stressful. We often hear families ask the same questions, share the same concerns and express the same conflicted feelings.

At Dementia Detailing, we understand that finding the right dementia care can be a challenging process. That’s why we’re here to help you find clarity and minimise the burden of a loved one’s dementia diagnosis.

Our Dementia Care Consultant, Thean, is an expert at helping families through this difficult time, utilising her mediating skills to identify points of concern for all those involved and find common ground.

Knowing you’re on the right path can take a great deal of stress out of this new stage of life and help you enjoy peace of mind.

Build your confidence

Our team can also assist families with specific dementia training and mentoring to ensure you know how to best care for your loved ones and support their wellbeing.

Training and mentoring also build your confidence in the day-to-day responsibilities involved with looking after your loved one and promote a sustained connection between caregivers and those living with dementia.

Medical Staff Seated In Circle At Case Meeting

Share your experiences

Many people find that sharing their experiences with others can bring great comfort, practical assistance and a deeper understanding of dementia. And, with nearly half a million Australians currently living with dementia, there are thousands of carers who will have an understanding of your experience.

There are support groups across Australia that may be beneficial, bringing together carers, families and friends, along with health professionals, to share the ups and downs of caring for someone living with dementia. Contact the National Dementia Helpline for more information.

Speaker giving a talk at health care workshop meeting

Seek support

As a carer, it is vital that you take care of yourself. Seeking support for the day-to-day tasks like meal preparation and cleaning can be a great help, whether it be from family, friends or neighbours.

But it is also important to seek outside help from people who have experience helping people who are caring for others. Social workers, doctors, psychologists and counsellors can all provide useful information and support. Local day centres may also offer engaging and uplifting programs for people with dementia, as well as respite for carers.

Get in touch with Dementia Detailing

Whether you are a dementia care professional or a family member of a loved one living with dementia, we can help you gain clarity and experience peace of mind. Contact us to start the conversation.

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